Many of the ER ask for tips on the simplicity of everyday life. For example, how to make really good stewed macaroni or how to get juicy chicken fillets without making them dry and boring. How to make a good cream sauce or succeed with the gingerbread house ... I am easily blinded many times when I read comments and really see what it is you appreciate here at the spice can. Simplicity and everyday tips are the basic idea of the blog, so I have to give back and think sometimes. Myself, I fatally failed with a fish soup when I had just moved from home. The idea of the dinner was good and I really put my whole soul into it to be perfect, but it became totally inedible and everything had to be thrown away. You make mistakes and mistakes many times in the kitchen and you are meant to learn from them. Dare to go through trials and take out the turns. Change recipes and make them your own, taste it and dare to trust that it will be quite good anyway. Even if you are a used chef...
Simple and good everyday food I love classic everyday food. It does not have to be a lot of frills and oddities - quite ordinary Swedish housekeeper is doing just fine. Like this recipe for fried chicken with pesto and fried potatoes. I usually eat fried potatoes for prunes or for breakfast. Why I don't eat it or I don't know. It is pretty good with fried potatoes, so it will be a change. If you have some foresight, you can cook the potato before you fry it. Otherwise, you can of course roast it. I personally like best about potatoes cooked before being fried because it then gets a soft core with crispy outer casing. The best is the fried potato if cooked the day before. Then it is able to stabilize while it is in the fridge. It also holds together better in the frying pan without falling too much. In other words, you could say that fried potatoes are the perfect leftover food. So the tip is to always cook extra lots of potatoes when you do it anyway. Store it in the ...